
RECO 2.0 Control System

Aquajet’s RECO Control System handles all monitoring and control of the Ecoclear water treatment system. With just a few settings, it controls and monitors everything and presents it to the operator on a clear and simple display. Basically, you will not have to worry about water treatment, the Reco system will take care of it for you and clear the water day after day, week after week and tell you the result on the display.

Green, lean, cleaning machine

With Ecoclear you can neutralize elevated alkaline pH levels down to pH 6-9 while you have full control of the turbidity levels down to 20-40 mg particles per liter. The treatment unit is operator friendly, allowing you to take care of all particle sizes and weights. The whole process is easily monitored online and with the RECO control system.


  • Graphic display

    The graphic layout of the display is well known from the Aqua Cutter robots, Ergo and the Power Packs, making it easy to learn and recognize. There are four different menus where each is one step deeper into the system. The Main menu displays the most important information, but if more information is needed you can use Graph, Chart and Status menus.

  • Total control

    The Reco Control System continuously monitors the pH levels and the turbidity levels of both the incoming and the outgoing water, making sure that the water is treated in the most optimal way and that the discharged water fulfills set levels.

  • Data as graph

    The Ecoclear provides detailed, real-time data through the RECO control system. This information can be shared with project stakeholders to provide insight to the properties of the discharged water, including pH levels and the amount of water that was treated.

  • Status

    View all the different values available in the EcoClear. If a fault should occur, that field will be colored.